Thursday, October 13, 2011

only one

dont just pray when you're in trouble
seek forgiveness from Him everyday
pray to Him when you're happy
pray to Him when you're sad
pray to Him when you're grateful
pray to Him when you're confused
pray to Him when you get what you've always wanted
pray to Him when you didn't get what you've always wanted
because He knows best
for me, for you and for us
Dear Lord, do not make me forget You

Saturday, October 1, 2011

12% remaining

laptop nak mampuih dah la kalau tinggai takat 12% tu
sama la dengan hati kat adelaide ni
tinggai 12% ja kot
rasa cam dah x laghat dah nak tampung homesick ni
tak tau la pasai pa tahun ni dok banyak sangat homesick
taun lepas mse elok2 baru mai x rasa pun homesick2 ni
mai 2nd year lagu dok menggila homesick

Friday, February 11, 2011


"....there's always someone better along the way,
but the special someone only comes along once...."
-someone, 2011-

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

too few

my advice,
take it or leave it
with no regret

maybe i was too naive, or perhaps too sensitive, or to you, i'm insensitive.
and whatever reason that is, i've always questioned myself.
was it my fault? or yours? or theirs?

guess he was right, you will have to go through it, then you'll know how it feels like.
i had few regrets though.

Monday, January 3, 2011

pagi pagi ke sekolah

3rd january 2011, marks the first day of school for all students in malaysia, termasuk juga pelajar2 universiti.

"...malam semua tidoq awai, pasai esok pagi kena bangkit awai, pi sekolah..." :)

but not for me, yeayyy~~
hahaha..feeling good seein my sis and little brother on the very first day of school
kene mandi di pagi2 hari
and breakfast seawal 6.40 pagi *time ni dulu waktu i skola i x bgun tidoq lagi* ;p

then pagi2 kene beratur for perhimpunan yang dipenuhi dengan bebelan..*torturing*
then masuk class seawal 8 pagi, utk menimba ilmu pengetahuan *now 8 pagi pun x bgun tidoq lagi, lecture plg awai pun pkul 9*

jalan kaki/naek bus/naek kereta pegi sekolah
pastu balik rumah
ade homework, HAHAHAHAHA *bab2 ni paling best gelakkan adik2*

and i'm here, at home
boleh bangun lambat
without any gangguan
lepas tido makan pastu tengok muvie
pastu tdo balik kalau ngantok
pastu lapar makan lagi :)

seronok. :D

*ala x payah la jeles, i tgh cuti, nanti dah start sem i bz balik, x ingat ke i amek apa?


......i miss school days :'(