Tuesday, July 7, 2009


i should never thought that
but hey, i can't help it okay

mama's right
he was innocent
and stupid..not stupid

at last
he came back
to reality

i wanted to slap him
yeap..to that extent honestly
but my words were enough i guess
with all the F's and those shits
finally he understood
and changed

but still as blind as before
he's still fooled
by those tanktops, perfect bodies
glossy lipgloss
thick make-ups and miniskirts


i dont give a damn to those shits

those shit ain't goin to give
any pleasure n happiness
you got from us
from mum and dad
kakak and abang
fellow cousins
and dear friends

thank God
now u can see us again
it's never too late
but this is a real hard game..
learn the rules
and you'll never regret

"padan muka.."
was the first word
came out from my lips
when u were very depress

i'm no more hypocrite to you
a tiny little sympathy was good enough
no more that that
i'm no good at it, i must admit
memories taught me
to be who i am today
in this game.

you're no more a romeo
or a prince charming to her
stop complaining
life's more than that

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